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  • 30 years of Industry experience
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UK In-House Printing and Finishing for USB and Tech Products

We pride ourselves on our in-house USB and Technology services. They enable us to maintain our high quality standards in all the products we produce. By keeping our tech products in-house for branding, we can keep an eye on them from the initial design to the final packing and ensure that the very best quality is reached.


Digital UV Print

Digital UV Printing

For high quality and durable full colour print, our Digital UV printers are perfect. Our UK based in-house machines can print multiple products at once to ensure large volume orders are delivered on time. Working similar to your home inkjet printer, these machines use special inks that are cured with UV light to make your branding tough and durable.

Laser Engraving

Laser Engraving

This method of branding is perfect for materials such as wood or metal. A powerful laser etches the branding into the product with high precision and quality. Our laser engraving is all carried out in-house at our UK based premises.

Finishing and Packaging

Finishing and Packaging

Our branded technology products are printed, checked, finished and packed here in the UK. Our staff are hands on during the whole process making sure the product you ordered is exactly the product you get.

Design Studio

Design Studio

Our in-house team of designers and artworkers can help you to create the products you require. Our free design proofs and visuals are an excellent way to see what your product will look like before you commit.

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